Grimoire: Manastorm - Free-To-Play Trailer

Grimoire: Manastorm is a multiplayer class based PC shooter where powerful wizards fight a war for territory and prestige. In Grimoire the standard ammo-counts, guns, and headshots have been replaced by magic, spells, and genre-blending mechanics. Inspired by popular games like Team Fortress 2 and Unreal Tournament, Grimoire is a fast-paced magic fueled experience set in a medieval fantasy world created by a small but passionate indie team.

On July 18th at 8 AM PST Grimoire: Manastorm will be switching to a F2P system using the game’s 6 classes. Each week, 2 of the 6 classes will be temporarily unlocked and every few weeks replaced with new classes. All currently available content, including all 6 classes and 48 new customizable class spells, can be permanently unlocked using Arcane Points gained by playing Multiplayer games. Pre-F2P players have all automatically received the new class DLCs which will be available for purchase to new players through Steam. While this is a large update please remember that we are still working on the game and you will find bugs, imbalances in combat, and crashes.