A Rat's Quest - Trailer
7/18/2019"A Rat's Quest - The Way Back Home" is Romeo and Juliet with a rat and a mouse. Mat, the Hero of the game is trying to find a way to his beloved Nat, a cute mouse kept as a pet. Together, they plan to escape to the outside. But his journey is full of dangers, one is - of course - "THE CLAW" ...
In the role of a rat, you will encounter a giant's world from the perspective of a very small hero. For you and me, it's just opening a door. For a rat, it's an adventure! Play hide and squeak with fearsome creatures and slash them with your shiny rivet or 'fend them off with your sturdy button!
A Rat's Quest is an action-adventure by Mexican studio The Dreamerians and will be published by HandyGames. It's currently in development for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.