ARK Invest - Big Ideas 2021

ARK seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the convergence, market potential, and long-term impact of disruptive innovation by researching a global universe that spans sectors, industries, and markets.

Today, we are witnessing an acceleration in new technological breakthroughs. To enlighten investors on the impact of these breakthroughs and the opportunities they should create, we began publishing Big Ideas in 2017. This annual research report seeks to highlight the latest developments in innovation and offers some of our most provocative research conclusions for the coming year.

Introducing ARK Big Ideas.

For investors, we believe a big idea needs to be long-term. But with more innovation evolving than ever before, how are investors supposed to identify the technologies that could deliver future growth?

This report includes research that has been updated or revised over the years. We aim to keep up with the accelerating pace of change, so you don’t miss out on potential long-term investment opportunities.